Manage schedules, projects, tasks…. are very difficult.
That’s why numerous apps exist.
First, I used noteapp with my custom templets.
However, the method have critical disadvantage because the noteapp are optimized with handwriting so that I can edit it only with IPad.
Thus I moved to notion.
But notion also was not the best option for me.

Currently I use ClickUp.
I agree with ClickUp is not designed for schedule management but project management with co-workers.
Anyway, I wrote how I manage the things.

Note that, all the things are my own opinion.

1. What I need?

  1. Schedule mangement
  • Like calendar
  • Alert function
  1. To do management
  • check up style
  • easy to see all lists (like calendar view)
  1. Daily summary
  • summarize the day
  • easy to find by keyword

And most important thing : Easy to access and edit in macbook, ipad, and iphone.

2. Apple Calendar.

I use apple calendar for schedule management.
There are lots of app recommendatation on youtube.
But I think only for schedule management, the apple calendar is enough.
Since the apple calendar sychronized on ICloud, super fast.
Alert(like pop-up before 1h), ICal to subscribe other calendar, Widjet is good option.
If one need to set differet color for each category, then File -> New Calendar.
Then u can make different colors for each category. And each category seperately support Ical publish.

These are my categories and its examples in Apple Calendar.

  1. Break
  2. Appointment
    with friend
  3. Meeting
    Lab meeting
  4. Course
    Course work
  5. Kakao
    Subcribe kakao calendar
  6. Important


이거 왜 한국어 설명 영상이나 블로그가 없냐…

I use ClickUp for to-do list and daily summay.
There are official channel on youtube, but I recomment the video for beginners.

Before start note that, ClickUp is optimized for managing project with ur co-workers I think.
And the following could be wrong. (different from officials, it’s just based on my understandings.)

official page show how u can build ur projects on ClickUp hierarchy.

The hierarchy is Space - Folder - List (and Doc, Whiteboard).

Currently, I have only one Space.
And one should set which task statuses made with list.
This is why I think the ClickUp is optimized for managing project.

In the Space, I have 3 kind of folers : Personal, Project-[project name]s and Research-[research name]s.

In Personal folder, there is only one list. (For now, I think one folder with only one list would be great) I think the list is main concept of the ClickUp.

In list, one can make various view of the items on list.
For example, one can set to-do list and on-going-list with Board view.
Or Calendar view or Gantt chart.

And I added some doc and whiteborad.


  1. 하나의 folder를 하나의 프로젝트라고 생각. 즉, 예를들어 하나의 과제 or 하나의 논문
  2. folder안에 하나의 리스트만 만들고 Board view로만 보는것이 편해 보임.
    특히 Doc, Whiteboard를 하나의 folder안에 하나만 넣는것이 깔끔하고 예를들어 Projects 안에 여러 과제 있는데 이를 다른 list,Doc,Whiteboard로 하는것을 복잡해 보임.
    또한 개념상 Folder가 하나의 프로젝트가 맞는듯.
  3. 이때 하나의 task를 만들때, subtask기능이 있지만 그냥 하나하나의 task로 작성하는게 편해보임. subtast의 statue가 이해가 안됨.
    그리고 이미 folder=project라서 subtask안써도 깔끔할듯.
    원래 디자인은 하나의 task가 되게 많은 일을 하게끔 되어 있는거 같음.
    예를들어 로그인 기능을 만든다면 해당하는 백엔드, 프론트엔드 이런식으로.
  4. space setting - default view - Board, Calendar, Gantt
  5. Daily Summary는 과감하게 없앤다. -> 항상 task로 추가하면 된다.
    만약 To-do에 없었어도 Done으로 바로 추가하기
  6. Personal 에는 월별로 list 만들고 개인적인 일만 기록하기
  7. Research, Project는 personal에 기록 x 무조건 해당 Folder에 기록 해야함.
    즉, personal - task는 간단하게 세세한거 / Project에는 큰 주제 하나가 task 하나 그리고 여기서는 subtask 사용하는 것이 좋을듯

ClickUp은 기록용으로는 적당하지 않아보임….

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