I’m using macbook and mac-mini.
To remember what setting I used, I write some my default setting.
No migration.
Only Apple ID login.

0. Initial setting.

Language : English Location : Korea No Migration Assistant Connect wifi and login with apple ID

1. Trackpad

Silent clicking : on
Tap to click : on

2. Dock

Position : Left Delete all items (Remove from Dock)
Turn Hiding Off

3. iCloud


4. Install Iterm


brew install --cask visual-studio-code google-chrome iterm2

5. Setting-General

Storage -> turn off ‘Store in iCloud’
Date & Time -> 24-hour time : on
Software Update !

6. Appearance

Show scroll bars : Always

7. Notifications

Reminders : off

8. Sound

Play sound on startup : off
others : on


Zoom : turn on all
Display : Pointer size

10. Wallpaper

Add Folder or Album
Shuffle every 15 minutes


  • Keyboard Shortcuts Input Sources
    option + space
    contop + option + space

Hot Corners


setting - Appearance - General - Theme : Compact Keys - Key Bindings - “+” - send text

  • Window - Transparency - 36, no Blur
  • General - Working Directory
  • Colors - Foreground ffffff, Background 000000, Selected text 0000ff
  • Text 16, Cursor - Vetical bar

Shortcut setting
go to setting/profiles/keys/key mappings/+/action/send hex code Deleting a word: 0x17. Deleting a line: 0x15. Moving to the beginning of the line: 0x01. Moving to the end of the line: 0x05.

Also go to setting/Keys/+/action/Send Text option + 2 = ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/
option + 3 = open -a Safari ‘URL HERE’

13. safari

setting - Homepage : my blog setting - New windows open with & New tabs open with : Hompage

14. App store

Notability Magnet

15. App download

HWP - for mac - apple account UPDF - apple,google account Typora - gmail(offic) - just copy&paste license

16. Safari - google login

17. Magnet

shift + command + hlkj yuio enter

18. Remote ssh

copy id_rsa.pub (local) and paste to ./ssh/authorized_keys (remote)

19. Conda

download from the anacoda web site

20. Visual Studio Code

Login via github and synchronize the setting.
It will install extensions.

21. pip

check python -m pip –version
then python -m pip install –upgrade pip

22. Chrome

Dart theme
language reactor